McGowan Government’s Aboriginal Procurement Policy results in more than 5.5 per cent of government contracts awarded to Aboriginal businesses in 2019-20
Results far exceed the two per cent target for the 2019-20 financial year
234 contracts worth over $172 million awarded to Aboriginal businesses
104 different Aboriginal businesses across the State secured contracts
143 contracts, worth a total of more than $69 million, awarded to Aboriginal businesses based in regional locations
The McGowan Labor Government’s Aboriginal Procurement Policy has surpassed its 2019-20 targets by an astonishing 275 per cent, with more Aboriginal businesses than ever before engaged by the State Government.
The Aboriginal Procurement Policy Second Year Performance Report released today shows the policy is successfully improving the economic prosperity of Aboriginal businesses, their suppliers, sub-contractors and the broader Aboriginal community.
In 2019-20, the State Government awarded 234 contracts to Aboriginal businesses, including 143 in regional locations, which have actively contributed to Aboriginal economic development and downstream business benefits.
The goods and services, community services and works contracts awarded in 2019-20 were across a variety of industries including building maintenance, construction, human resources, cleaning and advisory services.
In total 106 Aboriginal businesses were engaged, of which 98 per cent were based in Western Australia.
Regional Aboriginal businesses accounted for 60 per cent of contracts awarded, and over 90 per cent of these are due to be delivered in the same region.
The minimum amount of contracts that must be awarded by State Government agencies to Aboriginal businesses, increases from two per cent to three per cent for the 2020-21 financial year.
The full report is available at https://www.wa.gov.au
As stated by Finance and Aboriginal Affairs Minister Ben Wyatt:
“The McGowan Government’s Aboriginal Procurement Policy is well exceeding its targets, highlighting the success of this policy and the breadth and capacity of WA’s Aboriginal business sector.
“The benefit of contracting with Aboriginal businesses extends beyond the successful delivery of contracts, by improving the economic prosperity of Aboriginal businesses but also the broader Aboriginal community.
“This policy challenges government to do more with its resources and I am extremely proud of the progress to date.
“Through the Department of Finance, we will continue to support the Aboriginal business sector and encourage their involvement in future government procurement opportunities.”