Your invitation to the 2022 Bike Ride with Aboriginal People on 26th January 2022

This is not just for Bike Riders, so come along and support Aboriginal people by being involved in the ceremony at Kay-me-my Country (Manly) or Garigal Country (Church Point.)

Join ride points at bottom of page.

Be at the start at 6.45 for a ceremony at 7.00 am at the Manly Memorial, part way between the wharf and Manly Art Gallery, you will enjoy the beautiful sounds of the didgeridoo to send you on your way.

Or join us about 10.00 am in Garigal Country at Church Point Wharf. There will be with a Welcome to Country. Then listen to a special Aboriginal song by Aleta Wassell in Dharug language with the sounds of the didgeridoo, clap sticks and a sing along.

We can all come together as one, the way it should be!

This ride is a gesture to acknowledge that not all Australians see Australia Day in the same way and to stand with Aboriginal people’s aim for unity for all Australians.

It’s difficult to understand or accept.

  • The number of coal and gas fracking operations that have and are being approved by the Australian Government over objections from Aboriginal People’s.
  • The Australian Government spent $10.3 billion 2020-21 subsidising coal and gas companies yet there are many Aboriginal communities without adequate housing, health care, quality food and clean water.

We look forward to seeing you there and hope you like the new T shirt design with contemporary Aboriginal artwork.

We would like to acknowledge the help and support of Aunty Clair Jackson and Karen Smith AHO.

Thank you.  Colin Hutton and Uncle Neil Evers. 0404 353 253

PS: Please tell your friends.

Rider Schedule:

Please arrive at Manly at 6.45 am for

Manly Ceremony: 7.00 am

Manly Ride: Start 7.30 am

Dee Why: 9.00 am. The southern crossing on the beaches side.

North Narrabeen: 9.30 am. SLSC car park, east side of the roundabout.

Mona Vale: 10.00 am. East end of Golf Avenue Mona Vale.

Church Point: Finish 10.30 am

Ride route 2022. Click the link to see it on google maps:

Go to for more information

This is a COVID safety event.