“Reconciliation is a self-help movement” – Linda Burney
Would you be willing to give us some practical help, please indicate whether you might be able to contribute some help with any of the following:

Assisting in production of Elimatta, e.g. editing skills
Writing book reviews or other related pieces for Elimatta
Writing letters to newspapers, M.Ps etc on Aboriginal issues when required
Helping with applications for grants
Offering transport to meetings/outings (other members) or for Biala Girls
Tutoring Biala Hostel Girls in High School subjects
Helping with Information table at Information Nights
Any other skills or ways in which you would be able to contribute:
Name ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Address …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Phone ……………………………………………. Email ……………………………………………………….
Please down load or copy and paste this page. When you have completed the details email your reply to info@asgmwp.net
Any enquiries phone 0419219770