Let’s come together for a day of healing and reconciliation to honour the Stolen Generation
The Native Hibiscus was adopted because it is found widely across Australia and it is a survivor. Its colour denotes compassion and spiritual healing.
Location: Mona Vale Memorial Hall 1 Park Street Mona Vale.
Time: 30th May 2021 3.00pm-5.30pm
The afternoon will include Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremonies, dance performances by the Biala girls and weaving workshop, display of Aboriginal artifacts, Didgeridoo playing, local Aboriginal girls singing, (not to be missed) While the children can paint their own Boomerang and shields. A shared experience with a talk “Why is it Sorry Day!”. A reading from Aunties Nancy’s book of poems.
BBQ and afternoon tea. Please come and join us.
ASG thank the Northern Beaches Council for their sponsorship.
Together we can make difference.