Australasian Legal Information Institute’s Indigenous Law Resources
The Reconciliation and Social Justice Internet Project is a collaborative project of the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation and the Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII) which aims to further Aboriginal reconciliation and social justice via the internet. This excellent site provides access to a range of Indigenous law resources, including links to legislation, reports, and research.
Human Rights & Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC)
HREOC is responsible for anti-discrimination and human rights in Australia. Issues relating to Indigenous Australians include the Stolen Generations, Black Deaths in Custody, etc.
NSW Anti-Discrimination Board
Information relating to the NSW Anti-Discrimination laws and complaints processes.
Royal Commission into Deaths in Custody
The Royal Commission into Black Deaths in Custody confirmed that the rate of Indigenous detention was 27 times higher for police custody and 15 times higher for prison custody than for the general population. The Commission’s 1991 final report also contained 339 recommendations to deal with the gross over-representation of Indigenous Australians in custody, as well as the underlying causes of Indigenous discrimination and disadvantage. Fifteen years on, most of the recommendations remain unimplemented, while the prison death toll and incarceration rates continue to rise.
United Nations Human Rights Commissioner
Australia is a member of the United Nations and a signatory to its international human rights conventions. The High Commissioner is the principal UN official with responsibility for world human rights.
UNSW Aboriginal Law Centre
Centre at the University of NSW that specialises in aspects of Australian Indigenous law.
Stolen Wages Information
Find out more about how wages and entitlements of Indigenous people were withheld or misappropriated through past practices of Commonwealth, State and Territory governments. These two websites provide fact sheets, articles, and links to further information.
Stolen Wages Fact Sheet published by AIATSIS at
For a general outline of the Stolen Wages situation and ways you can help, see ANTaR at